Monday, August 4, 2008

Laptop or PC? The war of techies begins...

Gadgets of today’s world is very useful to us humankind. We live in the world today where technology is much appreciated. We decide what is more convenient, fast and accessible gadget to use. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the differences and similarities between using a laptop instead of personal computer (PC). The three main differences are the size, accessibility and cost.
The most notable difference between these two techies is the size or portability. Laptop is smaller than a PC that is why most people prefer to use a laptop because we can bring it anywhere. Personal computers however, are bigger and can cause a waste of time due to its different parts that we have to click before it turns on. It is logical that laptops are easier to use than PCs because of its improved features. Comparing these two kinds of techies we notice another difference. There is the accessibility that affects the both of them. Laptops are always available because of its portability. For instance, we cannot bring a personal computer in a restaurant which is a WiFi zone because of its big size. Yet, another difference between these two kinds of techies is the cost. Laptops are much more expensive than personal computers. Here the benefit of laptop is that, it is more convenient to use, but could be very sensitive because of its smaller size and light-weighted material.
Here are the main three differences between using a laptop and using a personal computer. As we can see, it comes down to a personal choice, based on the time each person has, the money and the importance that he/she gives to his/her work. Therefore it is important that you consider your possibilities and choose the best kind of computer for you convenience and lifestyle.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Internet & Library. Which enhances a brigther student?

Most of us today are using the internet. The fact that it has been proven convinient and more reliable, it became a demand not just here, but also globally. Internet serves as an online library. In fact, we could conserve more time and effort if we use internet rather than the library. Internets are also capable of keeping us in touch with our loved ones abroad, or it helps us adjust with the daily matters that may come anytime of the day. I, as a student, have also been a fanatic of the internet. Aside from it's reliability, internet could also help less fortunate students to earn money. There are ads posted there and its up to the users on how they will interact. On the other hand, libraries are also proven effective upon producing genius or mentally-gifted students. Because some controversies are circling the wide range of the internet, some have lost their trust and instead, they do the surfing and researching on the libraries. Aside from that, they also found that computers, which utilize the internet, could cause some minor defects on the users. Nevertheless, many are still coping up to use the net. For me, both of them are reliable and if you'll ask me which of them produces brighter students, I should say BOTH.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Old and New? Old or New...

Old or new - which do you prefer more, old stuffs which you already have for quite a long time, or the new ones that you like but you don't know them yet too well?
As for my own outlooks in life, I'd rather be with my old stuffs or friends and I think it's because I already knew them more for a longer period of time compared to the new things or persons that have just come my way. In fact, I am even more comfortable in dealing with those old ones because there is this sense of belonging and enjoyment whereas to the new ones, I still have to scrutinize them so that my curiosity will be satisfied about that object or person.
However, knowing them more is still a good way or plan so that you can have more possessions especially those you treasure a lot. They will add up your collection in the "old" closet and soon be counted in as "old" ones, too, and another set of new things comes in again. In other words, this just goes on a cycle. And in this cycle, it is all up to you if you will love and collect the new stuffs and friends and keep and cherish the old stuffs.

Childhood and Adolescence. *Spelling the Difference*

Human faces two hurdles of life. We could not qualify life if we do not undergo the enigmas. I could still remember when i was a kid. I use not to be sensitive enough. I hurt the feelings of many. I use to crank hard-hitting jokes, of which i do not really know what really i am doing. I do, really admit that during my thumb suck years, I intend to do bad stuffs. I mean, I fool with somebody and then just let them feel what they want to feel and then later give them a couple of goobledygooks to bring back their mood. I was very mean then, I even had the nerve of slapping one of my enemy's face straight to her face. I could not really behave the way my teacher wants me to. You know, everyday for me, is a feud between me and the people around me. "Loser". That word became a cliche to me. I was then hackneyed by teasing other people, or let's just say, my day won't be complete without annoying somebody. To cut the story short, "I had all the ignorance to other's feelings". My childhood was really a menace to my personality. But as what they say, nothing in this world is forever, and all the things are only short-living.

- it is the stage of big leap towards maturity. However, if we do not use this in the best way, we could not achieve our goals in life. I believe, that life truly begins at teenage years. This is the time for us to show up, come out from our shells and finally tell the world what we got. And now, here i am, absorbing all the homilies and straightforward expectations of my family. I couldn't believe that i've hurdle all the pain, the joy, and the hardships of being a person. Empirically, there is really a big difference from my childhood and adolescence. In my childhood years, I could say that, I am really immature both physically and emotionally. But now, I proudly say that I have excel so much in gaining friends, as well as how to deal with the life's uncertainties. Adolescence is the best ladder for me, because here, I really found the secret of winning friends. Specifically, our group was built and the real essence of friendship cling to my vocabulary.

Unlike my childhood years, adloescence taught me how to be a manager of myself. I became so much aware of other's feelings, and I learned that I shouldn't play with other's emotions. Sporadically, I reminisce all the times that i've spent here on earth, and i have come to realize that I was finally able to spell the difference between the two perplexities I encountered. On the other hand, I am quite happy beacuse I know, in my heart, that all the times that i spent in my life, are such part of the happy endings life could offer.

What Lies Beneath??

Farmers in a third world countries like Philippines and developed countries like the China have several things in common. Both groups are interested to have good production and high yield. They both want to produce more of what they raise since there is scarcity of rice around the world. Similarly, they want to make a living out of their farming activities. Their enemies are storms, floods, droughts, pests and plant diseases. On the other hand, they also differ in so many ways. Chinese farmers are involved in modern methods of agriculture. In addition, they accept change readily. They are not afraid of trying anything that comes their way as long as it promises high yield. In contrast, Filipino farmers are slow to accept changes. They believe that by planting rice seedlings, they can be assured of a good harvest. Thus, they have no need for fertilizers. That’s why one really shouldn’t wonder that Filipino farmers are less progressive than the Chinese. However, with the influence of new graduates from the agricultural scientific is making a breakthrough.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Teen Chill - Take It or Leave It. :]

The future of the nation - that seems to be an adamant description seen mostly in poetic articles, news banners , advertisements and tabloids. But one thing is for certain -- it is pinpointing to the YOUTH. Belonging to this group, we too, are very much concerned of the hurdles that teenage life consists. It is not easy, knowing that you have to undergo these and that, or lets just say, there are things of youth that are seemingly easy but the truth is that, it is the hardest thing to do. That is why, being concerned and reverent with regards to the stages of teenage life, this blog is made to truly inform not only the *sons of our generation* but also to our descendants who were once called TEENAGERS. =]

TEEN CHiLL -- take it or leave it?
We'll sure you would want to answer that. :))

Stage of Confusion. :]

Being a teenager brings a fact of total doubt due to the fascinating new world that has entered. It means a lot of options to choose about in just one certain thing wherein he/she needs to know what is truly right from wrong. As young adults, teens prefer to believe in their own views and pretends to know everything even if they don't. Although, it enhances their character of self-reliance, this might still lead to confuse themselves from the conformed truth to their opinion where they depend on. They even try to protect the knowledge they have stored in mind and fight for it even if they're going the wrong way already. Almost every teen experienced this kind of mentality. But despite all of this, many try to understand both ways and correct themselves gradually.


Being a teenager is one of the most crucial periods of ones life. Adolescents, by definition are still maturing. In this stage, youngsters undergo changes in physical, mental, social, spiritual, and psychological. They experience various struggles of life. If not properly manage and solve, problems arise and even worse may happen.

One of the characteristics of a teenager is being curious. This is normal; boys and girls go through that curiosity phase. Curiosity booze out seeking for thrill, influence, relaxation and getting away from problems. They become more adventurous. They always look or even experiment on something they really don’t know. Nowadays, teens are very brave to try something new without thinking the consequences. Because of this, they get involve into vices, drugs, indecent fashion or even premarital sex. Some may behave like this just for popularity. Others are just because of influence. But most of them cannot escape from the situation. They become addicted and ruin their future. In just one try, it destroys what lies ahead for you.

Adolescents are prone to make decisions and actions without thinking the possible consequences. Responsibility of parents to provide counseling, give unconditional love and acceptance are very much needed in this period. Proper guidance and prayer from above may keep the teens from temptations.


Influence - youth nowadays could not deny that influence is blatantly aggressive.
" We are in the bloom of youth", as they say, meaning, we mostly think that whatever ideas that come from others are good. But how really?
We are only a pint compared to the multitude number of teenagers that inhibit globally. As a part of this clan, we too, should be aware of the things that come and may end.
Peer pressure -- that became a reality over us, because we are really "influenced"by the kind friends we are close associating with. What's funny and sad to note, is that, most of the things that we get from othes are seemingly good, but actually, is a demonstrator of something that wrecks something. I am talking about the trends- most especially the things that we do as leisure. Striking one, is about drug addiction. Using this for leisure is definitely no good. As we all know, we are being raised by our parents to get good education and later become good heads of our own families. Wouldn't it be disappointing on our parents' part if we would use our chances in in our own risk? I'm sure it definitely is.
We know that teenage years is a time of feeding ourselves with the things that'll prepare us towards our future.
Fortunately, it is not all the time that the word "influence" refer to bad stuffs.
With all hearts, we do, indeed hope that we would choose what's best for the many. :))

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is usually one of those mentality that can lead a teen to be rebellious. Why? Well, let's just say being pressured means a lot of sadness and disappointment most of the time, especially if it means abrupt decision-making and often, it even doesn't go your way. That's a tough problem, right? Teens end up crying and carrying additional burdens since what they will do doesn't compliment their love at work. Some may even have nervous breakdown or even commit suicidal attempt.


To be in love and be loved is the sweetest thing in this humanity. What if it will happen to teens that are not mature enough to distinguish between love and intimacy? Would it succeed? Nowadays, most young people take the definition of love as what they want it to be. They have misconceptions of what is it. When they feel something unusual to its opposite sex, one is make believe that he/she is actually in love. But often times, it is not love at all. It might be a temporary feeling and will soon wear off. Not every teen that get into a relationship is looking for love. Some are those who only want sex, money or perhaps status. Teens get trap for what they think is love. So, more teenage relationships fail because of the obvious reason: lack of maturity and not knowing what true love is. It is all right for teens to have a relationship on this stage. But they should know their responsibilities as well as its limitations. The person should control his feelings. Not the feelings control the person. It is just accepting the fact that it involves a lot of thinking. Real love can wait. True love respects and honor. Genuine love lifts each other completely in their dreams. Prayers and parents advice is badly needed for teens to control their feelings. These will lead to face the truth which is reality. It is better to graduate first, have a job, then enter in a relationship and finally get happily settled. Every sacrifice is worth it. Good future waits for teens like this.

Teenage Pregnancy

Young people get involve to premarital sex. One tries out what it feels to be truly in love by merely sexual contact. Yes, God created our sexual desire. Thus, there is no reason to use it blindly. Indeed, it should be used, but in its proper time and place So, God intended sex for marriage couple.

Teenage pregnancy is considered a huge problem not only in our country but world wide. Statistics shows the main reason of teenage pregnancy is poverty, lack of guidance and out of curiosity. It increases the population rapidly, unemployment and so forth. Teens undergoing in this problem facing consequences not only emotional, mental but also physical risks on the life of the mother as it is to the child Early moms are prone of reproductive diseases since their organs are not mature enough to bear a child. Aside from that, adolescent mother experience emotional distress due to longing for acceptance, decision making and infant’s cognitive. The mother shows less closeness to the baby. Most likely. Adolescent father will force to work due to the big responsibility waits for them. Teenage parents experience anger and frustration for the unfulfilled dreams. Likewise, most of teenage marriages fail. Maybe, because of lack of responsibility, involvement, and commitment. Adolescent mother needs more information about child care and child development. Even how hard it, people around her is should give encouragement to pursue her life. The girl often takes the responsibility of the child. Yes, it is a mistake. But don’t ever think to abort the child. It is still a blessing.

Social Life :]

As teenagers, we most likely want to be with our friends most of the time. It's mainly because we want to have someone whom we can talk to with friends in our age, we usually understand each other easier than with elders or younger ones, especially with our bestfriends, whom we can tell just anything under the sun. But for some people, being in a crowd doesn't give them bliss, instead, they feel intimidated by others due to certain differences. Each and every one of us has diverse personalities and clearly, it only means that one can not please everyone or they are just playing hard-to-get. That's one uneasy thing about getting into social life during teenage years.

pictures =]

pictures =]
TEENS -- we all love being it. :))