Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Influence - youth nowadays could not deny that influence is blatantly aggressive.
" We are in the bloom of youth", as they say, meaning, we mostly think that whatever ideas that come from others are good. But how really?
We are only a pint compared to the multitude number of teenagers that inhibit globally. As a part of this clan, we too, should be aware of the things that come and may end.
Peer pressure -- that became a reality over us, because we are really "influenced"by the kind friends we are close associating with. What's funny and sad to note, is that, most of the things that we get from othes are seemingly good, but actually, is a demonstrator of something that wrecks something. I am talking about the trends- most especially the things that we do as leisure. Striking one, is about drug addiction. Using this for leisure is definitely no good. As we all know, we are being raised by our parents to get good education and later become good heads of our own families. Wouldn't it be disappointing on our parents' part if we would use our chances in in our own risk? I'm sure it definitely is.
We know that teenage years is a time of feeding ourselves with the things that'll prepare us towards our future.
Fortunately, it is not all the time that the word "influence" refer to bad stuffs.
With all hearts, we do, indeed hope that we would choose what's best for the many. :))

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TEENS -- we all love being it. :))