Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Teenage Pregnancy

Young people get involve to premarital sex. One tries out what it feels to be truly in love by merely sexual contact. Yes, God created our sexual desire. Thus, there is no reason to use it blindly. Indeed, it should be used, but in its proper time and place So, God intended sex for marriage couple.

Teenage pregnancy is considered a huge problem not only in our country but world wide. Statistics shows the main reason of teenage pregnancy is poverty, lack of guidance and out of curiosity. It increases the population rapidly, unemployment and so forth. Teens undergoing in this problem facing consequences not only emotional, mental but also physical risks on the life of the mother as it is to the child Early moms are prone of reproductive diseases since their organs are not mature enough to bear a child. Aside from that, adolescent mother experience emotional distress due to longing for acceptance, decision making and infant’s cognitive. The mother shows less closeness to the baby. Most likely. Adolescent father will force to work due to the big responsibility waits for them. Teenage parents experience anger and frustration for the unfulfilled dreams. Likewise, most of teenage marriages fail. Maybe, because of lack of responsibility, involvement, and commitment. Adolescent mother needs more information about child care and child development. Even how hard it, people around her is should give encouragement to pursue her life. The girl often takes the responsibility of the child. Yes, it is a mistake. But don’t ever think to abort the child. It is still a blessing.


Bad Saints REIGNS! said...

Nice job guys. Your are really giving us the idea on how to face different situations regarding our teenage life.Godbless

rs_reisa said...

haha..nice topic..its interesting especially for teens at our age now..

flack_13 said...

you guyz have a nice blog. teens who will read this blog will realize a lot of teen stuffs. congratulations! nice job girls! keep it up.

crashle achieva said...

Thanks for your blog gals. It really helps us teenagers especially those who are confuse and aggressive about making love. More powers

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TEENS -- we all love being it. :))